Grow Garfield County
Committee on Tourism
This committee was started by a lot of enthusiastic community members to apply for a 2.75-million-dollar grant that is being awarded by the state of Montana. We worked hard for 6 weeks coming together every Tuesday to plan and fill out the application. The hard work paid off when we were awarded the grant in August of 2024. The committee members were finalized and all documentation submitted to the state and we have been working on the best use of funds for the community and the vision of tourism we all would like to see.
Besides the boring and nit-picky details of grant work and document submission, Grow Garfield County was able to bring Roger Brooks to the community in late November. He is a renowned professional in his work on tourism. He secretly comes to communities and shops, tours and spends time to get a feel for the area. He then puts together a presentation for the community on what his first impressions are as a tourist and suggestions on what he would improve and add to make communities "tourism ready". Click the link below to find Roger Brooks assessment and presentation!
Roger Brooks

Wall of Hearts
Grow Garfield County decided to take advantage of the amazing community turnout at our local high school basketball games and Valentine's day. We put up a wall of hearts, where locals and visitors can write what they love about Garfield County on a heart and stick it to the wall. This will help guide the committee in the directions that are most prevalent to the residents and visitors of Garfield County. We are hoping for genuine feedback and responses.
If you missed the opportunity to voice your opinion on the wall of hearts, please submit a response below. We would love to have feedback from ALL the residents and visitors of Garfield County. Let us know what you already love and what new opportunities you have in mind!

Grow Garfield County
Committee Members
President-Christine Weder
Vice President-Stephanie Smotherman
Secretary-Madison Saylor
Treasurer-Great Northern Development Center
Committee Member-Judy Billings
Committee Member-Kathy Wankel
Committee Member-Pam Walter
Committee Member-Bev Harbaugh
Committee Member-Kelly Witt
Committee Member-Brett Hellyer
Committee Member- Kelly Childers
Committee Member-Brian Adkins
Committee Member-Jacque Gregg
Committee Member-Joe Herbold
Committee Member-Carla Hunsley (Missouri River Country)