Discover Spring Activities with Us
Spring always feels like a fresh start! Temperatures rising, baby calves and lambs running through the pastures, birds returning, and longer days of sunshine. There is no better time to reset yourself as well. Garfield County is a great place for hiking since there are 1,940 square acres of government-owned land. There are not a ton of trails or mapped locations, but you can find some down by Hell Creek Recreation Park.
Our expansive public lands are also a fantastic place for wildlife photography. We are "Montana's Outback", where the deer and the antelope play. In certain areas you can see for miles, making it easy to get good shots without scaring away your photography target. There is also the Missouri River Breaks, which will get you hills, trees, coulees, mountain lions, bobcats and elk. If your lucky you can see the occasional badger as well!
I know we boast a lot about our fishing, but wouldn't you? In the spring fishing is always a mystery! Will there be ice? You never know! With that being said, Jordan Montana has an amazing Walleye's Unlimited Chapter who puts on 3 amazing tournaments at the Hell Creek. The first of which is the Jerry Johnston Tough Guy Memorial Tournament. It is generally held towards the end of April...if the ice is gone. Be sure to check out their Facebook page for up-to-date information on all the fishing tournaments.