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Discover Winter Activities with Us

The biggest consistency in winter in Garfield County is the residents muttering "Brrr" from underneath their neck scarves. Garfield County is COLD! It is not all bad news though. Extreme colds lead to fantastic ice! Fort Peck Lake offers some of the best ice-fishing opportunities for the brave fishermen who can handle it. You can venture alone down to Widow's Coon, Hill Cooley or any of the remote lake access points, or you can head to Hell Creek or Devil's Creek where you can rent a cabin and get groceries (Hell Creek) and fishing supplies (Hell Creek). However you like to ice-fish, it can be accommodated in Garfield County. Check out the Recreation & Outfitting tab for more information about staying at Hell Creek and Devil's Creek.

man in brown jacket and black pants wearing brown knit cap standing on snow covered ground
man in brown jacket and black pants wearing brown knit cap standing on snow covered ground